The OCGS an overview
Oman Centre for Governance and Sustainability is a governmental entity established by a royal decree 30/2015 in 2015-july, dedicated to public and private corporates in the Sultanate. It is an independent body and for nonprofit making. The objective of the center is to educate and spread the awareness in the fields of governance and sustainability and to raise the level of knowledge and leveraging practices in the fields.
Royal Decree
Click here to view the details
Mission & Vision
OCGS Vision (“what we want to be”)
To be part and parcel of the National economy.
OCGS Mission (“Why we exist”)
OCGS is an excellence centre dedicated to build stronger and more competitive economy through streamlining corporate governance and sustainability into economic cycles and processes, by learning and leadership.
Objectives and Values
- Quality in the service and products provided.
- Accountability to stakeholders and the nation.
- Confidentiality of information received or ideas exchanged.
- Credibility in methods and resources used.
- Dedication to governance, sustainability, clients and the nation
- Partnership with all stakeholders.
- Transparency in all our processes operations and business model.
- Training and development
- Issue and publication of model codes, guides and working papers (Governance and Sustainability)
- Representing